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Lactation Wellness: The Care You Deserve


Patricia McGuire

I was inspired to become a Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) after I experienced my own breastfeeding challenges. I’ve worked for over 10 years helping families achieve their breastfeeding goals. I ‘m committed to providing my clients with the care and support that nursing mothers, babies and their families deserve–and to help them achieve their breastfeeding goals. I offer non-judgmental, clinical, evidence-based counseling. I am happy to help.

 Along with my private practice, I lead a breastfeeding support clinic at Wild Was Mama in Greenpoint, Brooklyn and work part-time as an LC on NYU hospital’s maternity floor.

I have a Bachelor of Science in Public health and media for City College.


Learn About Lactation Wellness

Vivamus sagittis lacus vel augue laoreet rutrum faucibus dolor auctor. Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros.
— Patricia McGuire

As a Certified Lactation Consultant, I am committed to providing the care and support that every nursing mother deserves–and to help her meet her breastfeeding goals. I offer non-judgmental, clinical, evidence-based counseling through private home visits. I also teach prenatal breastfeeding classes and lead support groups.

Lactation consulting services

Home Visits

I offer home visits in Manhattan, Brooklyn, and Queens. During this 11/2 to 2 hour initial visit, I take a medical history and address your breastfeeding issues and concerns. I also bring a digital scale to weigh your baby before and after nursing to access intake and make sure she is getting enough to eat. I will leave you with a written plan based on our work together, a receipt and instructions for reimbursement by your insurance provider.

Follow-up visits are offered at a reduced rate.


Breastfeeding Support Groups

Three Fridays a month at Caribou Baby in Williamsburg/Greenpoint from 10:30 am to 12:00 pm  for more information go to .

Please call to confirm 917-553-8381 or


Prenatal classes

I teach prenatal breastfeeding classes in NYC , and am available to teach privately in your home. This class focuses on how to breastfeed successfully within a modern context. There is no personal exposure in the class and partners are encouraged to attend.

The class will include:

  1. Comfortable and effective latch-on and positioning technique
  2. How to tell if the baby is getting enough milk
  3. Getting breastfeeding off to a good start
  4. Common problems
  5. Normal nursing baby behavior and cues
  6. Pumping & storing milk
  7. Partner feeding
  8. Going back to work
  9. Diet

